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Code Your C#/ASP.NET App to Provide SSO via OneLogin

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Toolkit Overview

Let’s take a high-level look at the contents of the SAML Toolkit for C# and ASP.NET (dotnet-saml-master):

Content Description


Copy these files into your ASP.NET application.


Provided as a stub for you to customize with required account settings.






Along with Default.aspx, actually handles the SAML conversation. Use them as templates for making your application a SAML relying party/service provider.

Receives the SAML assertion.


Along with Default.aspx, actually handles the SAML conversation. Use them as templates for making your application a SAML relying party/service provider.

Receives the SAML assertion.


Along with Consume.aspx, actually handles the SAML conversation. Use them as templates for making your application a SAML relying party/service provider.

Acts as an initiator for the SAML conversation, if it needs to be initiated by the application. This is called service-provider-initiated SAML.


Along with Consume.aspx, actually handles the SAML conversation. Use them as templates for making your application a SAML relying party/service provider.

Acts as an initiator for the SAML conversation, if it needs to be initiated by the application. This is called service-provider-initiated SAML.





Using the Toolkit

In the case of service-provider-initiated SAML, the service provider creates a SAML authentication request and sends it to the identity provider (IdP):


using OneLogin.Saml;

  public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
      protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
          AccountSettings accountSettings = new AccountSettings();

          OneLogin.Saml.AuthRequest req = new AuthRequest(new AppSettings(), 
          Response.Redirect(accountSettings.idp_sso_target_url + "?SAMLRequest=" +

To know where to redirect the user with the authentication request, we need to establish the user’s identity provider. This depends on your application. If accounts have a dedicated subdomain name (e.g. or if SAML authentication for accounts is limited to certain IP ranges, you need to look up account information based on whatever information you already have about the user.

For the purposes of this example, these settings are provided by AccountSettings.cs, which is meant as a stub for you to customize:


public class AccountSettings
    public string certificate = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIBrTCCAaGgAwIBAgIBATADBg

    public string idp_sso_target_url = "";

The Consume.aspx script receives the SAML assertion. Once again, you’ll need to know the user’s identity provider, but this time you get a clue: the username or email address in the SAML assertion. Use samlResponse.GetNameID() to retrieve it.

Next you’ll use this information to retrieve the identity provider information. After that, you can verify that the SAML assertion is actually from the identity provider configured on the account:


public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page 
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // replace with an instance of the users account.
        AccountSettings accountSettings = new AccountSettings();
        OneLogin.Saml.Response samlResponse = new Response(accountSettings);

        if (samlResponse.IsValid())

What Needs to be Configured

In the example above, SAML settings are divided into two parts:

  1. The application-specific (assertionConsumerServiceUrl, issuer) placed in AppSettings.cs.

  2. The user/account specific (certificate, idp_sso_target_url) placed in AccountSettings.cs.

You’ll need to add your own code here to identify the user or user origin (e.g. by subdomain or ip_address, for example).

The following information needs to be available on the account:

  • assertionConsumerServiceUrl

    The URL at which the SAML assertion should be received. In this example, http://localhost/SamlConsumer/Consume.aspx would be correct.

  • issuer

    The name of your application. Some identity providers might need this to establish the identity of the service provider requesting the login.

  • idp_sso_target_url

    The URL to which the authentication request should be sent. This would be on the identity provider.

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