Get Started with OneLogin APIs
How to authenticate users
Guides and sample code that show how to add authentication to apps or build custom login pages.
Get started with SAML
Language specific example code and toolkits to help you enable SAML authentication for your application.
Manage Users, Apps & Roles
Use Administrative APIs to perform bulk tasks, sync users, reset passwords, control access to apps and much more.
Enroll, push & verify MFA
Manage MFA devices for users or secure any workflow with step-up authentication.
Extract data for reporting
Download user or event data to a CSV file using sample code.
Setup the AWS Command Line Tool
Generate temporary AWS credentials via command line.
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Looking for walkthroughs or how-to guides on OneLogin's user and admin features? Check out the documentation in our Knowledge Base.

Have a product idea or request? Share it with us in our Ideas Portal.