How to extract data for reporting
A frequently asked question is how can a user extract user or event records from OneLogin?
One way to get this job done is using the API which supports the ability to page through large datasets and get granualar about the fields you want to return.
In the examples below we will demonstrate how to use OneLogin SDKs to loop through and extract the data you need.
Export user details to CSV
Run the extract from the command line to produce a CSV file with a column for user attributes, including any custom attributes you defined.
- Ruby
This example uses the OneLogin Ruby SDK. Get the code for the example on Github.
require 'onelogin'
# This example shows how you can export user details from OneLogin using the Ruby SDK
# Usage:
# 1. Set your own CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET below
# 2. From terminal run "ruby all-users-to-csv.rb" to extract all users including
# any custom attributes that might have been defined for the each user
client =
client_id: 'ONELOGIN_CLIENT_ID',
region: 'us'
attribute_names = ['id', 'external_id', 'email', 'username', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'distinguished_name',
'phone', 'company', 'department', 'status', 'member_of', 'samaccountname', 'userprincipalname',
'group_id', 'role_ids', 'custom_attributes', 'openid_name', 'locale_code', 'comment', 'directory_id',
'manager_ad_id', 'trusted_idp_id', 'activated_at', 'created_at', 'updated_at',
'password_changed_at', 'invitation_sent_at', 'invalid_login_attempts', 'last_login', 'locked_until']
custom_attribute_names = client.get_custom_attributes'users.csv', 'wb') do |csv|
# header row
csv << attribute_names + custom_attribute_names
client.get_users.each do |user|
row = []
# standard attributes
attribute_names.each do |attribute_name|
row << user.send(attribute_name)
# custom attributes
custom_attribute_names.each do |attribute_name|
row << user.custom_attributes[attribute_name] unless user.custom_attributes.empty?
csv << row
API Reference
Export events to CSV
Run the extract from the command line to produce a CSV file with a column for event attributes.
You can filter the events by providing the event_type_id and date ranges in the since and until parameters.
- Ruby
This example uses the OneLogin Ruby SDK. Get the code for the example on Github.
require 'onelogin'
require 'optparse'
require 'optparse/time'
# This example shows how you can export events from OneLogin using the Ruby SDK
# Usage:
# 1. Set your own CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET below
# 2. From terminal run "ruby events-to-csv.rb" for the last 1000 events
# 3. Use the command line args to filter events
# e.g. "ruby events-to-csv.rb -t 5 -s 2018-01-01" for login events since Jan 1 2018
# Parse CLI arguments
options = {} do |opts|
opts.banner = "Usage: events-to-csv.rb [options]"
opts.on("-sSINCE", "--since=SINCE", Time, "Events after this date") do |s|
options[:since] = s.iso8601
opts.on("-uUNTIL", "--UNTIL=UNTIL", Time, "Events before this date") do |u|
options[:until] = u.iso8601
opts.on("-lLIMIT", "--limit=LIMIT", Integer, "Only return this many events, Default 1000") do |l|
options[:limit] = l
opts.on("-tTYPE", "--type=TYPE", Integer, "Filter by event type id") do |t|
options[:event_type_id] = t
# Fetch the events
client =
client_id: 'ONELOGIN_CLIENT_ID',
client_secret: 'ONELOGIN_CLIENT_SECRET',
region: 'us'
attribute_names = ['id', 'created_at', 'account_id', 'user_id', 'user_name', 'event_type_id',
'notes', 'ipaddr', 'actor_user_id', 'actor_user_name', 'assuming_acting_user_id',
'role_id', 'role_name', 'app_id', 'group_id', 'group_name', 'otp_device_id',
'otp_device_name', 'policy_id', 'policy_name', 'actor_system', 'custom_message',
'operation_name', 'directory_sync_run_id', 'directory_id', 'resolution', 'client_id',
'resource_type_id', 'error_description']
counter = 0
limit = options[:limit] || 1000
# We remove limit from options parsed to the api as we want to fetch
# the max number of records possible and then use the cursor that is
# built into the ruby sdk to limit the results
options.delete(:limit)'events.csv', 'wb') do |csv|
puts "Exporting events to events.csv"
# header row
csv << attribute_names
# fetch the events
client.get_events(options).take(limit).each do |event|
csv << { |attribute_name| event.send(attribute_name) }
puts "Exported #{counter} events to events.csv"
API Reference
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