Add Your App to Our Catalog
With millions of users and over 2,000 customers using OneLogin, adding your app to our app catalog gives you access to an new and extensive distribution channel.
Sign up for a free developer account.
It’s self-service and will take only a minute. You’ll need this developer account when testing your app’s SAML-enablement with OneLogin as an identity provider.
Enable your app for SAML, SCIM, or OIDC.
Consider using one of our SAML toolkits to speed up the process: Choose from PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, and C#/ASP.NET.
Request an app connector.
Use our Fastrack Connector Program to submit a connector request for your app. Depending on the type of connector requested, you’ll need to provide relevant details about your app, such as:
- Audience/EntityID
- Consumer URL
- Recipient
- NameId format
- SAML Attribute names
- SCIM API Documentation
- Testing account information
Note: Based on a variety of factors including the connector type, app complexity, and current request volume, the process may take several days or weeks to complete. Please contact us at with any additional questions.
Have a Question?

Found a problem or a bug? Submit a support ticket.

Looking for walkthroughs or how-to guides on OneLogin's user and admin features? Check out the documentation in our Knowledge Base.

Have a product idea or request? Share it with us in our Ideas Portal.