Enabling the email_verified claim
OneLogin does not natively do email verification for new users so therefore in the context of OpenId Connect we omit the optional email_verified
claim from the ID Token when the email
scope is used.
This guide will show you how to override the default behavior and enable the email_verified
claim in your ID Tokens.
1: Create a Custom Attribute
First we will create a custom attribute to hold the email verification state for a user.
It doesn’t really matter what short name you give this field but for consistency we will name it with email_verified
2: Set Email Verified value for a user
If the value of email_verified
is null or not assigned it will not be returned as a claim in the ID Token.
Therefore if you want to mark an email address as verified you need to set this value to true
This can be achieved by setting the email_verified
custom attribute via the Users API
curl 'https:///api/2/users/' \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: bearer " \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"custom_attributes": {
"email_verified": "true"
or directly through the OneLogin Admin panel by browsing to the user that you want to update.
3: Add OIDC App parameter
The final configuration step is to add an email_verified
parameter to your OIDC app. This can be done via the Apps API where you will set the user_attribute_mappings
attribute to the custom attribute that you defined in step 1.
curl 'https:///api/2/apps/' \
-X PUT \
-H "Authorization: bearer " \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"parameters": {
"email_verified": {
"user_attribute_mappings": "custom_attribute_email_verified",
"label": "email_verified"
or alternately via the Admin panel by browsing to the app that you want to update, adding a parameter named email_verified
, and then mapping that to the custom attribute.
Test the flow
With the configuration complete it’s now time to test. Do this by starting any OpenId Connect flow and including the email
scope. If you have followed the steps above then on successful completeion of the flow you will see an email_verified
claim returned the ID Token. 👏
"sub": "36216766",
"email": "kelly@onelogin.com",
"preferred_username": "kelly",
"name": "Kelly Smith",
"updated_at": 1604948633,
"given_name": "Kelly",
"family_name": "Smith",
"email_verified": true,
"aud": "82d519a0-6b27-0138-3af1-062c86f29d48118462",
"exp": 1604955884,
"iat": 1604948684,
"iss": "https://samplecompany.onelogin.com/oidc/2"
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