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Delete an App Parameter

Use this API to delete a custom parameter from an app.

Note that you can not delete a parameter that is defined on the apps underlying connector.

Be careful, this operation is final and can not be undone.

Resource URL


Header Parameters




Set to bearer <access_token>.

Set <access_token> to the access token you generated using the Generate Token API.

The access token must have been generated using an API credential pair created using the scope required to call this API. This API can be called using any one of the following scopes: Read All, or Manage All.

Resource Parameter




Set to the id of the app that you want to update. If you don’t know the app id, use the List Apps API call to return all apps and their id values.




Set to the id of the parameter that you want to delete. If you don’t know the app parameter_id, use the Get App API call to return the app configuration which will includ the parameters and their id values.

Sample Responses

Success. The parameter has been deleted. No content is returned.

Typically, this error means that your Authorization header value is missing or incorrectly formatted. The Authorization header value should use this format: bearer:<access_token>.

    "message": "Unauthorized",
    "statusCode": 401,
    "name": "UnauthorizedError"

You attempted to delete a connector level parameter.

    "message": "not allowed to destroy Parameter 89804:saml_username",
    "statusCode": 403,
    "name": "ForbiddenError"

You attempted to delete a parameter that does not exist.

    "message": "The resource with the given id could not be found",
    "statusCode": 404,
    "name": "NotFoundError"

Postman Collection

Replace sample variables indicated by {{ }} with your actual values.

Run in Postman

    Clicking Run in Postman button navigates to the page where you can fork the collection to your workspace. Forking the collection into your workspace will enable you to contribute to the source collection using pull requests. You can also view the collection in a public workspace if you like and even import a copy of the collection using the links present on the screen.

Sample Code


Replace sample values indicated by < > with your actual values.

Delete App Parameter

curl 'https://<subdomain>/api/2/apps/:id/parameters/:parameter_id' \
-H "Authorization: bearer <access_token>"

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