Track an Event
Use this API to train Vigilance AI and help it improve the accuracy of contextual risk scores.
For example you can send user, browser, and device information when a successful login event has occurred. Vigilance AI will build up a profile of typical behavior for this type event for each user.
Resource URL
Header Parameters
Authorization required string | Set to Set The access token must have been generated using an API credential pair created using the scope required to call this API. This API can be called using any one of the following scopes: |
Content-Type required string |
Set to application/json . |
Request Parameters
verb required string |
Verbs are used to distinguish between different types of events. Where possible use one of the following verbs to describe the event. Alternately you can create custom verbs to describe other types of actions within your application.
ip required string |
The IP address of the User’s request. |
user_agent required string |
The user agent of the User’s request. |
user required object |
An Object containing User details. The available object parameters are:
When using this API to track additional events for the OneLogin Adaptive Authentication service the user id must be in the following format. {instance region}_{OneLogin User Id} E.g. US_12345678 |
source object |
This field can used for targeting custom rules based on a group of people, customers, accounts, or even a single user. The available object parameters are:
session object |
A dictionary of extra information that provides useful context about the session, for example the session ID, or some cookie information. The available object parameters are:
device object |
Information about the device being used. The available object parameters are:
fp string |
Set to the value of the __tdli_fp cookie. |
published string |
Date and time of the event in IS08601 format. Useful for preloading old events. Defaults to date time this API request is received. |
Sample Request Body
"ip" : "",
"verb" : "log-in",
"user_agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_3)...",
"user" : {
"id" : "US_112233",
"name" : "Eve Smith"
"source" : {
"id" : "1234",
"name" : "ABC Inc"
"session" : {
"id" : "xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx"
"device" : {
"id" : "xxx-xxx-xxx"
Sample Response
- 200 Ok
- 400 Bad Request
- 401 Unauthorized
Invalid API Key
Sample Code
- Curl
- Node.js
- Dotnet
- Ruby
- Python
- Java
Replace sample values indicated by < >
with your actual values.
curl -XPOST 'https://<subdomain>' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
-d '{
"verb" : "log-in",
"ip" : "",
"user_agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_3)...",
"user" : {
"id" : "US_112233"
const request = require("request")
let options = {
method: 'POST',
uri: 'https://<subdomain>',
auth: {
json: {
grant_type: 'client_credentials'
request(options, function(error, response, body){
let accessToken = body.access_token
This example uses Dotnet Core 2.0
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
public async Task<string> GetAccessToken()
var client = new HttpClient();
var credentials = string.Format("{0}:{1}", "ONELOGIN CLIENT ID", "ONELOGIN CLIENT SECRET");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue(
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(){
Method = HttpMethod.Post,
RequestUri = new Uri(""),
Content = new StringContent("{ \"grant_type\": \"client_credentials\" }")
// We add the Content-Type Header like this because otherwise dotnet
// adds the utf-8 charset extension to it which is not compatible with OneLogin
request.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
var responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responseBody);
return json.access_token;
require 'httparty'
response ='https://<subdomain>',
basic_auth: {
body: { grant_type: 'client_credentials' }.to_json,
headers: {
'content-type' => 'application/json'
puts response['access_token']
import requests
r ='https://<subdomain>',
"grant_type": "client_credentials"
response = r.json()
CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
HttpPost request = new HttpPost("");
String credentials = String.format("%s:%s", "ONELOGIN CLIENT ID" , "ONELOGIN CLIENT SECRET");
byte[] encodedAuth = Base64.getEncoder().encode(credentials.getBytes());
String authHeader = "Basic " + new String(encodedAuth);
request.setHeader("Authorization", authHeader);
request.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
request.setEntity(new StringEntity("{ \"grant_type\": \"client_credentials\" }", "UTF-8"));
try {
CloseableHttpResponse reponse = client.execute(request);
String content = EntityUtils.toString(reponse.getEntity());
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(content);
String accessToken = json.getString("access_token");
} catch (IOException e) {
curl -XPOST 'https://<subdomain>' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
-d '{
"verb" : "log-in",
"ip" : "",
"user_agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_3)...",
"user" : {
"id" : "US_112233"
Postman Collection
- Clicking Run in Postman button navigates to the page where you can fork the collection to your workspace. Forking the collection into your workspace will enable you to contribute to the source collection using pull requests. You can also view the collection in a public workspace if you like and even import a copy of the collection using the links present on the screen.
Have a Question?

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Looking for walkthroughs or how-to guides on OneLogin's user and admin features? Check out the documentation in our Knowledge Base.

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