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v1-v3 APIs have been deprecated

Don't worry, these APIs are deprecated, but they aren't shut off yet.

All new development with APIs should use the newest version of our API: /1. API /1 is based on RESTful principles, is secured by OAuth 2.0, and provides JSON messages, search, pagination, sorting, and filtering.

Set Password by Username Using Cleartext

Resource URL





Set to application/xml.




Set to the username of the user for which you want to set a password.




Set to the password value using cleartext. Hashes are never stored as cleartext. They are stored securely using cryptographic hash. OneLogin continuously upgrades the strength of the hash. Ensure that the value meets the password strength requirements set for the account.




Ensure that this value matches the password value exactly.

Sample Response

This request generates no response.
   <title>Invalid Request</title>
   <message>Validation failed: Password doesn't match confirmation, The two passwords 
      don't match</message>
   <title>Record Not Found</title>
   <message>No user found by username 'johannesxie'</message>

Sample cURL Request

Try it out with a test account first: Start off with using this cURL request with a test OneLogin account and API key. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the API’s behavior, switch over to using your production OneLogin account and API key.

Be sure to replace placeholder values surrounded by { } with actual values.

curl -v -u {api_key}:x -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
-d '<user>
    </user>' \{username}

Postman Collection

Try it out with a test account first: Start off with using this Postman Collection with a test OneLogin account and API key. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the API’s behavior, switch over to using your production OneLogin account and API key.

Replace sample variables indicated by { } in the sample request body with your actual values. Also, be sure to set Postman-specific environment variables indicated by {{ }}.

Download for the Users API

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