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v1-v3 APIs have been deprecated.

Although these APIs are not shut off yet, all new development with APIs should use the newest version of our API if available, and the version /1 in all other cases. These later versions are based on RESTful principles, secured by OAuth 2.0, and provide JSON messages, search, pagination, sorting, and filtering.

Set Password by ID Using Salt and SHA-256

Resource URL

Before calling this API, consider using its version /1 equivalent.





Set to application/xml.




Set to the user ID of the user for which you want to set the password.




Set to the password value using a SHA-256-encoded value. If you are including your own <password_salt> value in your request, prepend the salt value to the cleartext password value before SHA-256-encoding it.

For example, if your salt value is 11xxxx1 and your cleartext password value is P@33w0rd1, the value you need to SHA-256-encode is 11xxxx1P@33w0rd1. The resulting SHA-256-encoded value would be 9fb8dc1cdabee85d13f5b4ba680a5e71cb8c80e78e5ffe8c01b698fa39346006.

This API cannot verify that the password value you supply meets the password complexity requirements set for the account. If you are concerned about this, use the cleartext version of this API. Using the cleartext version is comparable to using our in-browser, form-based Set Password functionality on top of an encrypted channel.




This value must match the password value.




Set to salt+sha256. Use lowercase characters only.



To provide your own salt value, include this element. For example: 11xxxx1. If you provide your own salt value, prepend it to the password value before SHA-256-encoding it. See the password description above.

If instead you want OneLogin to provide the salt value, include a blank <password_salt> element or leave the element out of the request entirely.

Sample Response

This request generates no response.
  <title>Invalid Request</title>
  <message>Validation failed: Password doesn't match confirmation, The two passwords 
           don't match</message>
  <title>Record Not Found</title>
  <message>No user found by id '11111'</message>

Sample cURL Request

Try it out with a test account first: Start off with using this cURL request with a test OneLogin account and API key. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the API’s behavior, switch over to using your production OneLogin account and API key.

Be sure to replace placeholder values surrounded by { } with actual values.

curl -v -u {api_key}:x -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
-d '<user>
</user>' \{user_id}/set_password.xml

Postman Collection

Run In Postman

    Clicking Run in Postman button navigates to the page where you can fork the collection to your workspace. Forking the collection into your workspace will enable you to contribute to the source collection using pull requests. You can also view the collection in a public workspace if you like and even import a copy of the collection using the links present on the screen.

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