Get Account by ID
Gets an account under a reseller account. This API can be used by reseller accounts only.
For a description of each element in the Account resource, see Account Resource.
Resource URL
id string |
Set to the account’s id with .xml appended. For example, 123456.xml . If you don’t know the account’s id , use the Get Accounts API call to return all accounts and their id values. |
Sample Response
- 200 OK
- 400 Bad Request
- 404 Not Found
<message>API key is invalid or missing</message>
<title>No such account</title>
<message>No account found by id 59</message>
Sample cURL Request
Be sure to replace placeholder values surrounded by { }
with actual values.
curl -u {api_key}:x -X GET{account_id}.xml
Postman Collection
Be sure to set Postman-specific environment variables indicated by {{ }}
Download for the Accounts API
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