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Introducing new enhanced user context for the pre-authentication Smart Hook

richard.chetwynd | February 9th, 2021

For those of you who participate in our Early Preview program for Smart Hooks, we recently released some changes we think you will love.

It’s been awesome to learn more about the authentication challenges and unique compliance use cases that many of our customers experience, and then design Smart Hook implementations to solve them.

It became clear early on that we need more contextual information in the pre-authentication hook to solve many of the use cases. We created the following additions to capture the contextual information.

  • MFA device information
  • Last successful login date
  • Service Provider initiated login app information
  • Semantic versioning for hook contexts
  "user": {
    "user_identifier": "jim-hendrix",
    "policy_id": 187345,
    "id": 36216766,
    "last_login_success": "2020-10-21T17:04:22.852Z",    
  "device": {
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36",
    "is_mobile": false
  "location": {
    "ip": "",
    "country_code": "TW"
  "risk": {
    "score": 30,
    "reasons": [
      "Infrequent access from",
      "Infrequent access from Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung, Taiwan",
      "Infrequent access from Taiwan",
      "Infrequent access using Chrome on Windows",
      "Low trust for session"
  "mfa_devices": [
      "auth_factor_id" 16885,
      "device_id" 1825100,
      "user_display_name" "Google Authenticator",
      "type_display_name" "Google Authenticator",
      "auth_factor_name": "Google Authenticator",
      "default": true,
      "last_used_at": "2020-10-20T12:33:24.266Z",
      "created_at": "2020-03-02T14:53:00.445Z"
  "app": {,
    "id: 959314,
    "uuid": "1a650385-d500-42e3-921e-14aa4020ae70",
    "name": "OIDC - PKCE",
  "correlation_id": "13a97251-215d-4fa5-baaf-6fc15700a2db",
  "request_id": "7d436b7e-b4a3-4b48-83fd-f4a12c22bb62"

MFA Device Information

You can now get back a list of MFA devices that are registered for a user. To enable this, you must send the mfa_device_info_enabled property set to true in your hook config.

   "type": "pre-authentication",
   "function": "",
   "disabled": false,
   "runtime": "nodejs18.x",
   "retries": 0,
   "timeout": 1,
   "risk_enabled": false,
   "location_enabled": true,
   "mfa_device_info_enabled": true,
   "env_vars": [
   "packages": {

When enabled, the users’ MFA devices will be included in the context, as pictured below.

 other context items....,
 "mfa_devices": [
     "auth_factor_id" 16885,
     "device_id" 1825100,
     "user_display_name" "Google Authenticator",
     "type_display_name" "Google Authenticator",
     "auth_factor_name": "Google Authenticator",
     "default": true,
     "last_used_at": "2020-10-20T12:33:24.266Z",
     "created_at": "2020-03-02T14:53:00.445Z"

This is useful if you want to force a policy based on the devices a user has registered. For example, if a user is on a mobile device with the WebAuthn biometric factor registered, then you may want to dynamically assign them to a policy that enforces the use of that factor.

Alternatively, you may want to use the last_used_at attribute to force a user to MFA every X number of days. This is useful if you have Smart MFA enabled to suppress MFA due to a low risk score because your users always log in from home. You may want to keep them on their toes with a regular MFA prompt, regardless of the detected risk level.

Last successful login date

Sometimes it’s useful to know the last time a user successfully logged in. For this, we added last_login_success to the context which allows you to make decisions based on the last time the user successfully logged in. For example you may want to force a user to update their password if they haven’t logged in for over 30 days.

  "user": {
    "user_identifier": "jim-hendrix",
    "policy_id": 187345,
    "id": 36216766,
    "last_login_success": "2020-10-21T17:04:22.852Z",    

Service Provider initiated login app information

For Service Provider (SP) initiated logins, you now see App information in the context which indicates the specific app used to initiate the login flow.

  other context items....,
  "app": {,
   "id: 959314,
   "uuid": "1a650385-d500-42e3-921e-14aa4020ae70",
   "name": "OIDC - PKCE",

There are many out of the box App Policy settings available to control access to applications. If you include this information in the pre-authentication hook context, it now provides the flexibility to control which user policy should be applied, based on the application that is being accessed.

Check out Postman

Smart Hooks is an exciting new extensibility option for OneLogin customers to customize workflows and solve edge cases that aren’t supported out of the box.

We are building a library of sample code snippets to resolve the challenges you experience while using the methods that work best for you.

All of the sample code snippets are added to our Smart Hooks collection in Postman, which offers a Low Code solution for customization and deployment.

Run in Postman

Download our collection today and let us know how you get on.

OneLogin blog author

Rich Chetwynd founded Litmos, the market-leading learning technology company, as well as ThisData, a data security company leading the way in Account Takeover (ATO) attack detection. After ThisData was acquired by OneLogin in Summer 2017, Rich began working with the OneLogin engineering team with a focus on adaptive authentication.